We can help you find your home.

Rent an Apartment
Safe, affordable homes for families of all sizes are available to rent on a rotating basis. Rental applications are required.

Buy a Home
PCF Development has supported over 100 homeownership units in Pawtucket & Central Falls, RI. Units are sold at federal affordable rates.
June is national Homeownership Month! Sign up for our next Homebuyer class to get on the path to owning your own house.

Get Prepared
Our comprehensive HomeBuyer Education program provides over 100 families per year with financial literacy training, credit counseling and pre-purchase assistance.
Empowering people, building strong neighborhoods.
By listening to neighborhood residents, acting on their concerns, and connecting the community to local resources, positive change can and will happen.

About Us
Since 1990, PCF Development has worked tirelessly to improve the physical infrastructure of neighborhoods as a way of promoting positive community change. All our units are affordable and high-quality, going to local families who need it the most.
Donations support a family’s dream of a safe & affordable home.